Vendor/Customer Information
Gooding Farmers Market Bylaws
All the ins and outs of Gooding Farmers Market.
Tax Information for Vendors
The state of Idaho requires that vendors collect 6% of sales for the Idaho sales tax. You, as a vendor, are responsible for collecting and reporting. The Market is required to provide the actions so you can do that. The following is the step by step instructions once you are in the Idaho Tap website (make sure you have an account)
EVERYONE that participates in the Market must register whether you have a permanent or need a temporary sales tax permit.
June 3rd through Sept 2: 502136832
Sept 3rd through Oct 8th: 781058048
Have ALL your event PARTICIPANTS do the following:
Go to tax.idaho.gov/GoToTAP and under “Sellers and Promoters” click “Register as a Temporary Seller or Promoter.”
Choose “Seller WITH Event ID” > “Next”
Choose “I am going to an event” > “Next”
Enter the Event ID > “Next”
Enter your Seller Information > “Next”
Choose Purpose: “I am not making taxable sales,” “I have a regular permit” or “I need a temporary permit.” > “Next”
Review your entry > “Submit”
Check your email account for further instructions or attached Temporary Sellers Permit (if applicable).
YES, all participants need to register but NO, Regular Sales & Use Tax holders do NOT need a Temp Permit.